Meet the Members => Meet the Members => Topic started by: Mrs Steptoe on March 21, 2011, 03:07:43 PM

Title: Hi to all at Detecting Wales
Post by: Mrs Steptoe on March 21, 2011, 03:07:43 PM
Have been looking at the site for a while and have finally decided to take the plunge and say "Hi" to all you sad,mad,but (I hope),brilliant to know detectorists out there.
Started on a borrowed detector last Autumn and then, just as I bought my own(minelab 705) the big freeze came and two months of permafrost.Great to really get going now.Trouble is,in my enthusiasm I'm digging up Everything!Would have cheaper to buy a horse and cart and go out totting.Still,I'm hooked now-no going back.Learning fast that all that glitters.....
Hope to meet some of you on rallies-did the Romans drink Stella Artois and Diet Coke?

Title: Re: Hi to all at Detecting Wales
Post by: Chef Geoff on March 21, 2011, 03:17:47 PM
Hello Mrs S and welcome to the site. You have a great machine in the 705 and I'm sure it's only a matter of time until you turn up some smashing finds.

Oh and don't be silly it's a well known fact amongst historians that they drank Pepsi and Heineken ;)

Title: Re: Hi to all at Detecting Wales
Post by: shunggav on March 21, 2011, 03:26:28 PM
Wewelcome to dw

Title: Re: Hi to all at Detecting Wales
Post by: geordiefred on March 21, 2011, 04:40:00 PM
Welcome aboard Mrs S great bunch on here, don't be afraid to ask any questions as someone will sure to have the right answers. Good luck and good hunting.
cheers  ;D

Title: Re: Hi to all at Detecting Wales
Post by: Val Beechey on March 21, 2011, 05:03:27 PM
Welcome Mrs S
You're sure to be in good company here. Very friendly helpful crowd (perhaps a little excentric) but hey you should know you've joined. ;D

Where are you based.


Title: Re: Hi to all at Detecting Wales
Post by: nomad on March 21, 2011, 06:01:30 PM
welcome mrs step.....i hope you enjoy the site...the gurus are very helpful and its a friendly site...

Title: Re: Hi to all at Detecting Wales
Post by: Mrs Steptoe on March 22, 2011, 01:57:24 PM
Thanks everyone for the warm welcome,I feel I am among friends. :) Val,I am in the Brecon area.

Title: Re: Hi to all at Detecting Wales
Post by: Jassy on March 22, 2011, 02:08:04 PM
Hiya, nice to meet you !! what part of Brecon are you from???

Title: Re: Hi to all at Detecting Wales
Post by: Mrs Steptoe on March 22, 2011, 02:21:20 PM
Hi Jassy-I'm in the town.

Title: Re: Hi to all at Detecting Wales
Post by: Jassy on March 22, 2011, 02:25:19 PM
its so pretty up there!! im in the swansea/amman valley area!! you'll have a ball on here, everyone is lovely....a fountain of knowledge!
im Jan by the way!!

Title: Re: Hi to all at Detecting Wales
Post by: doddy10 on March 22, 2011, 02:35:29 PM
Welcome to the forums


Title: Re: Hi to all at Detecting Wales
Post by: rjm on March 22, 2011, 04:48:30 PM

Hi Mrs S.

Welcome to a great hobby and one of the best open forums.

Title: Re: Hi to all at Detecting Wales
Post by: Val Beechey on March 22, 2011, 08:35:05 PM
Hi Mrs S.
Well at least you've got a head start on me for Rallies. I was daft enough to move to Kilgetty (by Tenby), almost as far west as you can get.
 I see you've already signed up for your first Rally. Very best of luck, hope you enjoy yourself and find something nice. ;D


Title: Re: Hi to all at Detecting Wales
Post by: tyna on March 23, 2011, 09:37:30 AM
Love it down your part of the country Val - would love to live down that way  :(

Welcome Mrs Steptoe and yes we are all very eccentric here - it helps in this game  ::)

Title: Re: Hi to all at Detecting Wales
Post by: Val Beechey on March 23, 2011, 09:36:09 PM
Hi Mrs S

How did you get on your 1st farm today.

I went back to my 1st pm today. Spent 1st hour digging out an iron pot I found last year. Could have buried the dog in the hole I made. Did get permission for it first, the farmer was as interested as me. Turned out to be one of those iron pots that hung over a fire, complete with handle. Only other thing I found was a George 111 copper and bits of iron whatnots. ??? Ah well, one day.


Title: Re: Hi to all at Detecting Wales
Post by: Mrs Steptoe on March 24, 2011, 01:39:43 PM
Hi Val,
          Thanks for asking.Made a start on a couple of fields,lovely flat pasture with huge old oaks.Looked promising ,but sadly nothing.Thought my detector was on the blink,it was so quiet.Just for something to do I dug an iron signal which turned out to be a horseshoe.I offered it to Hercules,but he said it was too small and where were the other three anyway?
Still,the sun was shining,the birds were singing and I had a flask of tea and a currant bun.There's always another day and another field(loads more to try). :)
Just hope nobody has already wiped it clean.

Title: Re: Hi to all at Detecting Wales
Post by: Val Beechey on March 24, 2011, 08:33:45 PM
Well I had the opposite, again, today. Been waiting to get into this field since last year. So busy it nearly wore out my detector. Unfortunately busy, busy with iron and hot rocks.
After wasting an hour yesterday digging up that stew pot I thought I'd better make an all out effort today. When I got there I discovered my line of approach was cut off by 20 very enthusiastic yearling bullocks so had to navigate around and through another field and then climb over sheep net and 2 strands of barbed wire. Managed to snag my jeans on the way over but hey it adds to the ambiance. By now I was warm. Half  an hour in and I was perspiring (ladies don't sweat do they) so I ended up having to carry shovel and waist coat.
Got to the bottom of the field and turned to go back. OMG it looked like Mount Everest so I puddled around down the bottom end for and hour or so.
I was rewarded with 1 shoe buckle, 1 horse buckle, the holdy bit of a dart, lengh of copper wire, shot gun cap, 2 funny looking thingies, pipe olive, spoon handle, small bit of lead white with age and my 1st bit of clay pipe and numerous bits of aluminium. Not a Roman in sight and tis field is next door to a Roman road. ???
All in all not bad for me. Then I had to face the detour back up mount Everest and over the barbed wire. Told you some of us were excentric, didn't I. I think we must be mad. ??? ;D


Title: Re: Hi to all at Detecting Wales
Post by: Val Beechey on March 24, 2011, 08:34:55 PM
P.S. Who's Hercules ???

Title: Re: Hi to all at Detecting Wales
Post by: Mrs Steptoe on March 25, 2011, 02:38:58 PM
I'm sure we're all mad!
I was thinking,(dangerous,I know)-is there a patron saint or pagan god of metal detectorists?Y'know,a benign force to invoke when you put your spade in for the millionth hinge of the day hoping this will be 'The One'.Who will grant patience and dignity when the farmer sucks his teeth, scratches his head and informs you that you are the 5th/10th/20th detectorist to tell him that they haven't found anything on his land.To lend wings to leaden legs when for the first time Ever you have left the spare batteries in the car which is by now half a mile away and your detector has just beeped in distress,sighed and gone to sleep.
That sort of thing.
'Arold says we already have one-Saint Jude,the patron saint of lost causes.Ha-blinking-Ha.
Hercules is the horse that pulls the totting cart-geddit? I know,I live in a parallel fantasy world sometimes.It helps.
Going for lunch with friends in Ludlow tomorrow and cheekily taking the Minelab.They have an old orchard and a couple of fields,so why not?The others can sit drinking their g and t's and I'll provide the entertainment.
Keep the faith,

Title: Re: Hi to all at Detecting Wales
Post by: Val Beechey on March 25, 2011, 07:52:32 PM
Give my regards to Ludlow. Thats where I moved from.

Didn't I say something about being mad. In my defence I will say that was before detectors.

I don't know who the Gods might be but I always ask for thier kindness when I start. Good luck in the orchard.


Title: Re: Hi to all at Detecting Wales
Post by: rjm on March 26, 2011, 04:54:39 PM

Lovely place, Ludlow.

You'll do well digging after a big dinner. Good Luck!

Title: Re: Hi to all at Detecting Wales
Post by: TheLoveDoc on March 26, 2011, 04:58:54 PM
hiya Val ....... welcome to,   :)

Title: Re: Hi to all at Detecting Wales
Post by: Val Beechey on March 26, 2011, 06:21:53 PM
Thats a belated welcome LoveDoc but thanks all the same.

The thread is MrsSteptoe


Title: Re: Hi to all at Detecting Wales
Post by: Mrs Steptoe on March 27, 2011, 04:09:41 PM
rym,you're not wrong.Never mix pleasure with metal detecting.
After a well-oiled lunch I decided to attack the orchard first,but was soon joined by the young master of the house and his six mates who were staying the week-end.They followed my every move so yours truly ended up giving them a Masterclass on the finer points of metal detecting(what do I know?) and then of course they all wanted a go.When it was obvious after twenty minutes they weren't going to dig up a box of gold coins or,better still,a finely honed sword and matching set of armour they slouched back to their Magners and zombie vampire dvds. 8)What with Mildred the resident sheep orchard lawn mower deciding to get friendly and the now gathering cold and gloom I decided to call it a day and go inside to see if there was any pudding left.
I'll be going back after the Easter hols and have been promised the place to myself and Mildred   in the stable.Watch this space. ;)

Title: Re: Hi to all at Detecting Wales
Post by: Mrs Steptoe on March 27, 2011, 04:11:21 PM
Sorry-rjm :-[

Title: Re: Hi to all at Detecting Wales
Post by: dances with badgers on March 29, 2011, 06:16:40 AM
high and welcome aboard .mike :)

Title: Re: Hi to all at Detecting Wales
Post by: duggypuggy on March 29, 2011, 08:42:06 AM
Welcome Mrs.Steptoe,
This is a great site and a good laugh.
There are some intelligent people on here and we even have HENRY V111 (Richard 16.5 dd) who can cure a womans headache.
Happy Times

Title: Re: Hi to all at Detecting Wales
Post by: Mrs Steptoe on April 07, 2011, 06:58:58 PM
Having a new driveway laid-after the workmen went home after digging up tons of concrete I got the dekkie out and went over the soil.How sad is that?
Went to the farm to get my fix and dug up one pot leg and assorted coins(mostly modern).
Counted up £5.63. Better than nothing!
'Arold can get 'is own tea,I'm off dahn the 'Skinner's Arms'.

Title: Re: Hi to all at Detecting Wales
Post by: EMU Ex Minelabuser on April 07, 2011, 07:12:48 PM
Welcome Welcome Welcome Mrs Steptoe did you once have a bloody miserable relative that was in the scrap trade !!! LOL
big welcome to the forum

Title: Re: Hi to all at Detecting Wales
Post by: Mrs Steptoe on April 08, 2011, 08:05:02 AM
Yeah,Emu,a dirty ole man called Albert. Miserable git!

Title: Re: Hi to all at Detecting Wales
Post by: tyna on April 08, 2011, 08:17:15 AM
I like your sense of humour Mrs S  :)

Title: Re: Hi to all at Detecting Wales
Post by: Val Beechey on April 08, 2011, 08:21:39 AM
Definately sounds like one of us. ::)


Title: Re: Hi to all at Detecting Wales
Post by: tyna on April 08, 2011, 08:24:24 AM
She slots in well Val  ;)

Title: Re: Hi to all at Detecting Wales
Post by: davtec (dave) on April 08, 2011, 11:49:44 AM
welcome to the site Mrs steptoe 8) 8)

Title: Re: Hi to all at Detecting Wales
Post by: Mrs Steptoe on April 08, 2011, 03:34:08 PM
OMG!! The penny has just dropped and my fantasies now lie crushed and broken in the dust.It's a crotal bell.I thought it was a piece of personal jewellery for a Roman gent.I was going to buy 'Arold a silver one;small so it wouldn't chafe.
Having a hot flush now. :-[

Title: Re: Hi to all at Detecting Wales
Post by: Val Beechey on April 08, 2011, 05:50:43 PM
I dread to think where you expected him to wear it. :o


Title: Re: Hi to all at Detecting Wales
Post by: rjm on April 08, 2011, 06:44:05 PM

Seems like we need a Womens Only section on here ! :o

Title: Re: Hi to all at Detecting Wales
Post by: nomad on April 09, 2011, 04:06:20 AM
rjm..... :o :o ;D

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