Non-Detecting Stuff => General Discussion => Topic started by: TheLoveDoc on November 05, 2012, 09:22:36 PM

Title: Spooks !
Post by: TheLoveDoc on November 05, 2012, 09:22:36 PM
Just thought I would ask ....Have any of you ever seen a ghost ?  ???

Title: Re: Spooks !
Post by: shunggav on November 05, 2012, 09:30:40 PM
No mate been one most hunted house in uk and still didaly

Title: Re: Spooks !
Post by: nobby on November 05, 2012, 09:45:19 PM
was working on one of the high rise flats in wild mill one day, all on my tod and had the place to myself....just out the corner of my eye saw someone leg it past me...thought it was one of the crack heads nicking my up pretty sharpish and started after them....the front door was locked, it was nt a big flat so a quick look around......nobody there.....had a cold shiver down my spine... grabbed my gear and never went back :o

Title: Re: Spooks !
Post by: Val Beechey on November 05, 2012, 10:17:44 PM
Never saw her but she made her presence known on a regular basis.
 We assumed it was a lady because we found out after we'd bought the house that the previous owner was an old lady who'd lived there for years. She had no family so when she died it was nearly a fortnight before anyone missed her.
Wasn't nice, she used to watch me, I could 'feel' it and she used to walk along the landing from her bedroom to the bathroom and back. The wierdest occurance was when we heard our youngest, who was about 4 at the time, talking in his bed room. When asked about it he said he was talking to the nice lady. :o
If anyone says there's no such thing I'd say 'think again'.


Title: Re: Spooks !
Post by: Mike on November 05, 2012, 10:31:38 PM
walking through a dark lane towards an underpass which had full lighting the wife and i saw a young lad at the entrance , as it was dark in the lane we were looking were we were walking and not at the underpass for a few seconds , the wife looked up and stopped dead in her tracks and asked if i saw the lad standing there just now , i said yes ..........but the lad had vanished  :o :o :o :o 

Title: Re: Spooks !
Post by: Chef Geoff on November 05, 2012, 10:38:58 PM
Never seen one and can't really say I've ever experienced something that couldn't be explained by science.
But two things have always made me wonder if there may be more than we know, they both involve my eldest daughter when she was about 3. Firstly I should say here that my mother passed away 5 years before she was born.
The first, on it's own wouldn't of even raised an eyebrow as it's the sort of funny little things toddlers say and was when I was bathing her and she said " when I was a big lady and you were a little boy, I used to bath you", now zoom forward a few months and she was on her booster seat in the back of the car with my other half and myself and we were driving down Cheddar gorge, at the bottom of which is the Rocks Hotel and as we drove passed this little voice from the back said "I used to work there", Now not even my wife knew at that time that my mother had been a chamber maid there just before WWII.
Even to this day it makes me wonder ???

Title: Re: Spooks !
Post by: TheLoveDoc on November 06, 2012, 07:47:59 AM
When my sister and myself were lil kiddies we told our mum and dad that a guy in a bowler hat was talking to us in the bedroom but I dont remember it....Mum said our Daddo always wore a bowler hat though so thats pretty cool. He used to sharpen knives too to earn a little extra money and cutlery went missing from the draw.

When I got my own place and my daughter was younger she sat up in bed ....i asked her whats the matter...she asked me why her mum was standing over in the corner and pointed....but her mum was asleep next to her .... That was pretty spooky your replies though very interesting...

oh and nobby mate was seeing a girl in Wildmill years ago....she lived in one of those flats and he said it was haunted. Draws used to open and fall onto the kitchen floor he said....I thought he must be kiddin but after reading your reply i will have to ask him again about it  :o

Title: Re: Spooks !
Post by: herbie on November 06, 2012, 09:09:07 AM
Ok, going off at a bit of a tangent here, but has anyone experience 'The Nightmare', I did a few weeks ago and it was spooky. I was asleep but started having a lucid dream, the ones where you're 'awake' in your dream, but you can't move (horrible), anyway I suddenly felt this huge weight on my chest, it felt like I couldn't breathe, I remember thinking has one of the dogs sat one me, I was trying to push this weight off me for what seemed like ages, then suddenly it was gone and I saw this little old man climb off me and walk along the edge of the bed and out the door :o :o :o
I told the wife in the morning and she said it was 'The Nightmare' (I'd never heard of it) and that it's a common folklore in many cultures especially northern European and Scandanavian ones, I looked it up on the internet and she was right.
I find it fascinating that although the phenomena is to do with disturbed sleep, that people all over the world and throughout time see the same thing!

Title: Re: Spooks !
Post by: Val Beechey on November 06, 2012, 09:32:34 AM
Many years ago I bought a book called 'The Collective Unconscious'. The author speculated that maybe we drew on a power that was beyond our present understanding but that we all had access to. Some sort of memory bank of incidents that had happened in the dim and distant past that had left a record of sorts. He wrote about several  'universal' dreams that are experienced by peoples, of all cultures, around the world.
Imagine my surprise when I read, step by step, about a dream I had many times as a young person. Weird or What.


Title: Re: Spooks !
Post by: herbie on November 06, 2012, 09:48:19 AM
I definitely think there's something in that Val, some kind of genetic intelligence / memory, makes sense to me. There's so much we don't know and can only speculate on.
With regards ghosts I'm not sure about the spirits of the dead hanging around, but I think the energies of people and events can get trapped and certainly buildings etc carry the echos of past events, or maybe everything that has ever happened still exists but usually we just can't see it, ooh getting deep now ;)

Title: Re: Spooks !
Post by: davtec (dave) on November 06, 2012, 01:21:49 PM
I have trouble with this spirit called glen on friday nights  GLENFIDDICH  ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: Spooks !
Post by: archie on November 06, 2012, 02:30:02 PM
I help run a haunting investigation group in mid wales, and the things we have come across as a group, and my own personal experiences over many decades make me a solid believer.
Although the money shot still eludes us, I hope one day to get a photo or evidence that will help prove the existence of spirits. saying that, it is all too easy to fake pics and suchlike nowadays so even this evidence is usually discounted as being a possible fake. - Lack of evidence does not mean lack of existence

Title: Re: Spooks !
Post by: TeeCee on November 06, 2012, 02:43:37 PM
My local pub in Malpas is haunted.....The  Beers headless !   :-\

Title: Re: Spooks !
Post by: Neil on November 06, 2012, 03:00:29 PM
Coincidentally - I went on the Llandaff Ghost Tour last Tuesday. Highly recommend it ,and rated on Trip Advsor as one of the best thing you can do in the UK for under a tenner!

Anyway - cut a long story short I know the Cathedral and the fields surrounding it like the back of my hand having grown up in the area. There was always one little part of the path though that borders the Cathedral that as a kid we would always run through, as it was icy cold in that area no matter what time of year and also never any birds or any wildlife there at all.  Even to this day I regularly run along the Taff and at that one 20 metre section I always fly through as theres something not right about it.

Anyway, back to the Ghost Tour. After about an hour and a half we end up at exactly the spot I am talking about at 10pm, only for our esteemed guide to announce that this little track is all that remains of the original path to the Cathdral and its recorded name translated from Welsh to "path of the dead". It transpired that the path is where they would carry the dead to get to the Cathedral and also is where those who could not be bury on consecrated ground were buried along!

To make matters worse he also went on to mention numerous pople who had travelled from far and wide to hang themselves along the same lane - all documented and recorded. I think it was something like 30 people over a 5 year period in the late 1800's with no connections to each other.

Very odd as I had never heard that story before but will still only sprint through it even in daylight.

Theres strange powers afoot!

Title: Re: Spooks !
Post by: Val Beechey on November 06, 2012, 03:57:56 PM
Ah. Now Herbie, you're into  alternative time lines. I find that theory facinating. It could certainly explain a great many things.

Neil, cold spots, that rings  a big bell. From the day we moved into that house there were 2 things that everyone noticed. One was the smell and two was the cold spot at the bottom of the stairs.

Interesting to note that when she went, with a bit of help, both disapeared.



Title: Re: Spooks !
Post by: TheLoveDoc on November 06, 2012, 05:39:23 PM
 Herbie  ........Years ago when I was a teenager my friend told me about an expirience he had while in bed. He was laying there awake but could not move at hard as he tried he just couldnt move...he said an old lady was pushing down hard on his chest but then vanished .

I had read about the "old hag " in a book previously and explained to him its more common than you would think...... Years later though the same thing happened to me. Very scary mate I know how it feels. Maybe it happened to me because  I knew about it ,or  if theres anything paranormal there but it really is common mate....its been happening for hundreds of years.... sweet dreams lol

Title: Re: Spooks !
Post by: bymatt666 (byron) on November 06, 2012, 11:22:04 PM
in my working days i was an electrician and would earn some extra money re-wiring houses . at one place the owners had bought the small house next door and knocked through to make a nice sized place....i was working away and noticed it was really cold and smelled of flowers in one half of the house....they told me that the old lady who lived in that half had laid dead for weeks before she was another i was feeding cables under the floorboards and heard knocking coming from the next bedroom,,,i thought it was the husband, who wanted to help, messing around , so i went into the room and it was empty...he was downstairs....they told me a similar story in that the old man next door had died and was'nt discovered for weeks....there has to be something in the ghost thing ! .....byron

Title: Re: Spooks !
Post by: herbie on November 07, 2012, 09:13:33 AM
Herbie  ........Years ago when I was a teenager my friend told me about an expirience he had while in bed. He was laying there awake but could not move at hard as he tried he just couldnt move...he said an old lady was pushing down hard on his chest but then vanished .

I had read about the "old hag " in a book previously and explained to him its more common than you would think...... Years later though the same thing happened to me. Very scary mate I know how it feels. Maybe it happened to me because  I knew about it ,or  if theres anything paranormal there but it really is common mate....its been happening for hundreds of years.... sweet dreams lol

It is scary, but fascinating too, it must be something to do with what's happening in your sleep cycle at the time, but I find it amazing that everyone who experiences it sees a similar thing an old hag or man sitting on their chest!
With regard ghosts etc I haven't really had an experience but my wife had a strange experience when she was a teenager, apparently she was asleep, but started to dream that she was in a fire and that she was being suffocated by the smoke, she was really struggling to breathe, then she felt a sharp insistent tapping on the top of her head, she woke up to find she had the pillow pulled down tight across her face! But what's even weirder is that a couple of weeks ago her sister was visiting and we were chatting about strange dreams, her sister then told us she'd had a dream when she was younger where she was drowning and couldn't breathe, she said she then felt this tapping on the top of her head and she woke up to find she'd wrapped the duvet tight around her head. Neither of them had spoken about it before and they'd both had the dreams in the same bedroom a few years apart! :o

Title: Re: Spooks !
Post by: DEADLOCK on November 07, 2012, 09:32:08 AM
Not for me

Title: Re: Spooks !
Post by: nobby on November 07, 2012, 12:22:13 PM
Not for me

What do mean not for you??....remember that time that ghost locked your keys in your van!... ;D

Title: Re: Spooks !
Post by: archie on November 07, 2012, 01:01:21 PM
a few years back after my accident I was doing regular lectures with my consultant surgeon - we had one booked at the local priory hospital. he said he would meet me in casualty after his clinics and drive us to the priory.  as I was waiting for him, through the rubber flap doors that led to the rest of the hospital, walked the consultants father (I had been introduced to him on one of my many stays in hospital, about 8 months or so previously when keith bought him and his mother to show them round, on his promotion to consultant). he walked right past me not two foot away, looking straight ahead and went out of the building he was a tall imposing kind of chap and wore the same khaki raincoat on, belted tightly at the waist (I nodded to him as he passed, but I guess he didnt recognise me with my clothes on ;D)
just after this Keith came through the flap doors and mouthed to me 'are you ready?'  we left the hospital for the short drive to the priory.
when we got there we found that the lecture had been cancelled but the message had not been passed on to him.  keith was really apologetic and said he would drive me home.
 As we were going down the aston expressway I asked him if there was a reason his father came to see him? i noticed the car made a slight  swerve, he looked at me and said 'are you sure you saw my dad? I said yes, and he said that he had died 6 months ago, and today was his birthday :o 

Title: Re: Spooks !
Post by: dances with badgers on November 07, 2012, 01:36:36 PM
Herbie  ........Years ago when I was a teenager my friend told me about an expirience he had while in bed. He was laying there awake but could not move at hard as he tried he just couldnt move...he said an old lady was pushing down hard on his chest but then vanished .

I had read about the "old hag " in a book previously and explained to him its more common than you would think...... Years later though the same thing happened to me. Very scary mate I know how it feels. Maybe it happened to me because  I knew about it ,or  if theres anything paranormal there but it really is common mate....its been happening for hundreds of years.... sweet dreams lol
the old hag one is common and has been for a long time,its where the word nightmare comes from.nachtmaren in german.check it out

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