Metal Detecting Discussions => Metal Detecting Discussions => Topic started by: Dryland on April 29, 2014, 05:13:41 PM

Title: T2 or not T2
Post by: Dryland on April 29, 2014, 05:13:41 PM
I went out for a couple of hours last night with my T2, for the first hour and a half I was on shortish pasture and It was working like a proper lady. Although I wasn't finding much,I was really getting to know the detector and it's quacky tones. It rained for a while so I found some shelter After it stopped raining I went into the next field  which was longer grass and after a couple of minutes in this
field the detector went haywire again [ it did this on the last rally with similar weather conditions and long grass ], I tried turning down the sensitivity as low as possible but to no avail, it wouldn't settle. I went back into the short pasture but still the same, so I packed up and went home. Has anybody else experienced this ?

Title: Re: T2 or not T2
Post by: Dale on April 29, 2014, 05:15:27 PM
It sounds like you are getting water in the coil

Title: Re: T2 or not T2
Post by: Dryland on April 29, 2014, 05:17:23 PM
Thats what I thought Dale, there was water inbetween the coil and cover, I wiped it dry at the rally and it seemed to work,
but not yesterday ???

Title: Re: T2 or not T2
Post by: Chef Geoff on April 29, 2014, 05:27:14 PM
Dylan without witnessing it I can't be sure but I had a similar problem twice with T2's the cause was simply the coil plug where it goes into the machine, the clamp had compressed the cable so it wasn't holding it firmly any more. The simple way to tell is to turn the machine on and prop it up then wiggle the cable near the machine end, if it's OK it shouldn't make any noise but if it's the clamp it will sound off. It's a simple fix if it does. ;)

Title: Re: T2 or not T2
Post by: Dale on April 29, 2014, 05:30:52 PM
Water between the two shouldn't matter to much, as its not a sealed unit, its just to protect the coil itself.....Check where the cable joins to the coil, make sure it hasn't undone.....Dylan leave it to dry out and retry the machine :)

Title: Re: T2 or not T2
Post by: Da Monkey on April 29, 2014, 05:47:50 PM
My explorer II sometimes hates water between the coil and the cover, same symptoms. Only happens on long wet pasture and not all the time, coil cabling is fine so it's not just the t2 that can do it Dylan...

Title: Re: T2 or not T2
Post by: Val Beechey on April 29, 2014, 06:22:38 PM
I've had the same problem with my Safari with the stock coil.  Got caught in a few showers with it and it just kept chattering and telling me there was the same target at every swing .

Didn't have that problem with the NEL coil and so far (fingers crossed) not had it with the Ultimate.

Must be the coil Dylan.  Can you borrow another one off someone to test it.


Title: Re: T2 or not T2
Post by: herbie on April 29, 2014, 06:26:47 PM
I had the same problem with my T2 I sent it back twice two new coils later and it's not done it since (touch wood)

Title: Re: T2 or not T2
Post by: Dryland on April 29, 2014, 07:30:39 PM
I just tried what you suggested Geoff but it's difficult to say, as the slightest vibration of the coil sets it off. If I
slacken the knurled nut off slightly, then it does make a noise if I move the cable. I think I'll give Kevin at Staffs Detectors a ring
                                                                Yours sincerely
P.S    the machine seemed to work fine when I switched it on earlier.

P.P.S Have you got a cup of sugar that you could lend me

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