Metal Detecting Discussions => Metal Detector Finds => Topic started by: Neil on August 29, 2009, 05:26:28 PM

Title: New farm in the VOG and a very unusual piece of silver 29/08/09
Post by: Neil on August 29, 2009, 05:26:28 PM
After some household chores I popped up to the glorious VOG today to go to a farm I hadn't been to for over a year (Jaydogg & Mark will know the one}. The reason I went there was because believe it or not I dreamt about the farm last night. Being a big believe in Lucid Dreaming, and seeing as my dream had me digging everywhere I took it as an omen - and do you know what I was bloody right!

When I got to the farm I found the farmer immediately and his first response before I could utter a word was "Bloody Hell - I was talking about you last night!" How odd I hadn't seen him in a year I dreamt of his farm and it turns out he was talking about me - its turning into a strange day! ::)  It transpired that a relative of his had passed away and they were holding some kind of wake on the the relatives farm today. He said he had mentioned me as the guy who died has never allowed anyone bar family on his farm for shooting, rabbiting or detecting, and he thought it would be ideal for me to go to. With that he jumps in my Landy and is saying come on we will go there now! Within 10 minutes we are at the farm and I have been introduced to about 8 different people and they are quite happy for me to have a spin on their land.

Had a quick go and found about 15 Georgian and Victorian coppers, RAF button and grotty Roman Sestertious. Popped back to the farm to show that I had found and they were all astounded by the Roman coin. Naturally I gave it to them and in return was told to come and go as I wish and that the farm is over 100 acres of pasture! By now I was almost ready to faint. We jumped in the Landy again and I was given a tour of the land which stretches all over the place and shown which fields I could use - which was basically all of them! Swapped numbers with the new owner and went off for another spin.

Couple more coppers, then a lovely signal and out pops a Silver American Seated Half Dime dated 1838! What an odd find to turn up. Just did a quick Google and it turns out that the 1838 is quite a rare coin and predates the American Civil War by 24 years! What the Hell is that doing in a field in the VOG?

Next came a copper finger ring that has been gilded at some point. A lovely button with a very unusual design. A strange biece of bronze that for all the world reminds me of a votive axe head and finally another bronze wotsit (possibly a cufflink}.

A great day out and enough land to keep me happy for a long, long time.

See dreams do come true!


Title: Re: New farmin the VOG and an unusual piece of silver 29/08/09
Post by: Neil on August 29, 2009, 05:27:12 PM
Bronze bits.

Title: Re: New farm in the VOG and a very unusual piece of silver 29/08/09
Post by: Kev on August 29, 2009, 05:47:17 PM
well done Neil,good report again as always ,nice the dime yes whats it doing there !!,like the ring thats nice button is a nice one,great photos of your finds ,as you said that land you got will keep you going and going and going for sure,well done on your good day ;)

Title: Re: New farm in the VOG and a very unusual piece of silver 29/08/09
Post by: mole on August 29, 2009, 05:54:07 PM
Nice finding !! Neil ;) all you need to do now is dream of them silurian gold staters :o ;D

Title: Re: New farm in the VOG and a very unusual piece of silver 29/08/09
Post by: Tafflaff (Rob) on August 29, 2009, 06:17:41 PM
Well done fella , nice finds all round there land and coins!  ;)

Title: Re: New farm in the VOG and a very unusual piece of silver 29/08/09
Post by: DIG IT! (ADIE) on August 29, 2009, 06:25:52 PM
Great day neil nice finds and a big chunk of land now thats what i call a good day mate ;D

Title: Re: New farm in the VOG and a very unusual piece of silver 29/08/09
Post by: vitallius (Dave) on August 29, 2009, 06:30:09 PM
Good on ya Neil, very nice ;D good luck with the rest of all that land.......Dave

Title: Re: New farm in the VOG and a very unusual piece of silver 29/08/09
Post by: hedgehog on August 29, 2009, 06:37:57 PM
Well done Neil , plenty to go at now! Is the last item a knife end stop?

Title: Re: New farm in the VOG and a very unusual piece of silver 29/08/09
Post by: Neil on August 29, 2009, 06:56:55 PM
Thanks lads for the comments. I posted the Half Dime on an American Forum I have been a member of for years and it looks like it sould be quite valuable and a scarce coin to find in the US. I am waiting for the final appraisal.

Good thinking Hog - might well be a knife terminal - not sure at the moment.


Title: Re: New farm in the VOG and a very unusual piece of silver 29/08/09
Post by: hedgehog on August 29, 2009, 07:11:55 PM
I know you don't read links Neil but read this one it's all about the coin! (

Title: Re: New farm in the VOG and a very unusual piece of silver 29/08/09
Post by: simon c on August 29, 2009, 07:12:59 PM
Well done Neil,that half dime is nice,may have been from a salior visiting home,or a wealthy VOG land owner with assets in America  ;D

Title: Re: New farm in the VOG and a very unusual piece of silver 29/08/09
Post by: waltonbasinman on August 29, 2009, 07:14:21 PM
Neil, I have seen that top Bronze wotsit before but can not remember where. I am pretty sure it is Roman. but cannot think what. I have my books out as we speak. Will let you know.

Title: Re: New farm in the VOG and a very unusual piece of silver 29/08/09
Post by: Mark on August 29, 2009, 07:18:35 PM
Nice one m8 it sounds like this land is undetected, something of a rarity in the VOG, especailly if its near the farm im thinking of.  A good day all around well done. 

Title: Re: New farm in the VOG and a very unusual piece of silver 29/08/09
Post by: DIGGA on August 29, 2009, 07:42:47 PM

Title: Re: New farm in the VOG and a very unusual piece of silver 29/08/09
Post by: 1morecoin on August 29, 2009, 07:59:40 PM
That's a new one, I have found a French coin and a couple of German coins but no US coinage, lovely coin though Neil.

Title: Re: New farm in the VOG and a very unusual piece of silver 29/08/09
Post by: farmer(phil) on August 29, 2009, 08:03:05 PM
Good lot of finds there Neil

Great report and  photos

Well done and well deserved,

Farmer Phil 8)

Title: Re: New farm in the VOG and a very unusual piece of silver 29/08/09
Post by: bymatt666 (byron) on August 29, 2009, 09:29:31 PM
a great day and some great finds neil......some good dreaming too... ;)..could you do me a favour and dream up the lotto numbers for next week please !!... ;D...byron

Title: Re: New farm in the VOG and a very unusual piece of silver 29/08/09
Post by: The Doc on August 29, 2009, 09:43:46 PM
Nice finds Neil. I don't think the half dime is the rare one though - looks like the ordinary variety worth about $17 :(

Title: Re: New farm in the VOG and a very unusual piece of silver 29/08/09
Post by: Neil on August 30, 2009, 09:55:59 AM
Cheers lads and lasses. I think you are right Peter, although that said according to some of the American posters the 1838 half dime can be worth up to $1400 in their "Red book of Coins". Its apparently dependent upon the mint mark which I don't think mine has. Quite strange to think that some of the US detecotrists have spent 30 years detecting and never found pre Civil War silver and then one turns up in South Wales. Just goes to show you really do never know what the next spade of soil will produce - I guess that why we all do it!

Paul - I also think the bronze triangular shaped thing could have Roman conatations. Its definately been deliberately shaped, with the edges still relatively sharp. I think its the wrong shape for a votive axe head, but its not to far off in design. Did your books show anything?

Great link Hedgehog - shame mine doesn't have the O on it under Half Dime.

Cheers all

Title: Re: New farm in the VOG and a very unusual piece of silver 29/08/09
Post by: jaydogg on August 30, 2009, 12:55:35 PM
A good day all around Neil, congrats dude. 

Title: Re: New farm in the VOG and a very unusual piece of silver 29/08/09
Post by: ROMAN STEVE on August 31, 2009, 09:48:03 PM
nice finds

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