Non-Detecting Stuff => General Discussion => Topic started by: Charles Cater on January 12, 2009, 11:14:17 AM

Title: Is it really offensive.
Post by: Charles Cater on January 12, 2009, 11:14:17 AM
Where has all the humour gone these days. I see that Harry is in trounble with you know who.

I well remember nicknames such as Jock, Taffy, Paddy, Yorky, Scouse, Yellow Belly (Me), Tosh, Frogy, Flathead, and the likes. Flathead always had a haircut like a Jerry, he was from Austria, Vienna I think, and a nice chap to boot, he was typical Jewish, not that it made any difference

No insult in those days. I had a mate in 1945 dalled 'Taffy' Lewis, he was from Cardiff, you could not wish for a better comrade in arms than him. I never knew his first name but I sure remember him. All these did not mind being called nicknames so what is the beef  about the word Paki?
My name as a kid was Sprat, I did a lot of fishing after school and I was small.
Then there was 'Jock' Pringle, a very pleasant fellow to have beside you.
By the way, I  am a Brit.    !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ::)

Title: Re: Is it really offesive.
Post by: Richy on January 12, 2009, 01:08:51 PM
Charles I agree with you 100%, i think part of the problem is that the word "Paki" is used in a generic way to cover all people of Asian origin. I suppose if I was Indian or Bangladeshi I would probably take offence but I certainly wouldn't go running to the tabloids.

I bet as sure as green apples the lad Harry called "Paki" didn't take offence.


Title: Re: Is it really offensive.
Post by: BottyBurp (Kris) on January 12, 2009, 06:30:30 PM
Well said Charles, I too am a Brit & have never yet been offended by that term!
Everything yet again has been blown out of proportion, by the way did anyone watch Blazing Saddles last night?

Title: Re: Is it really offensive.
Post by: Richy on January 12, 2009, 06:52:08 PM
Brilliant film...... ;D


Title: Re: Is it really offensive.
Post by: Al.Thepastfinder, ( Alan ) on January 12, 2009, 06:53:49 PM
yeah, you can go on and on hey,  the crouts the Ausies  ect ect   its only  the ethnic minorities that seemed to have complained in the past and we have to change laws , programmes and bend over backwards to please them for some reason or other,  Strange in it ????

Title: Re: Is it really offensive.
Post by: Neil on January 12, 2009, 07:16:34 PM
Load of rubbish its the media blowing stuff out of proportion yet again! >:(

Growing up two of my best friends were John the Greek and Jackie the Paki - both of these are still friends I speak to weekly, and have done for 30 years - and are both quite happy to still be called this by everyone I know. I won't tell you what they call me! I could quite easily take offence about it on ethnic grounds but I don't because thats life and its harmless fun amongst mates.

The worlds gone mad. Who doesn't know a Mick, Paddy, Taffy or Herman the German?


Title: Re: Is it really offensive.
Post by: Kev on January 12, 2009, 07:23:05 PM
if i was called a taffy by anybody in this world would i care ....................................................................................... i dont give a monkey's .my case rests ;D

Title: Re: Is it really offensive.
Post by: Charles Cater on January 12, 2009, 07:42:32 PM
I would not use any nicknames without the permission of the owner. It would be a compliment if anyone called me 'Sprat'. That was my nickname when I was a kid and I thought nothing of it.

Title: Re: Is it really offensive.
Post by: Al.Thepastfinder, ( Alan ) on January 12, 2009, 08:24:30 PM
me neither,  some people are so sensitive.  or is it the government ????
 Quote,   cas, i dont give a monkey's .my case rests
 ohhhh  be carefull now   lol,

Title: Re: Is it really offensive.
Post by: BottyBurp (Kris) on January 12, 2009, 08:51:53 PM
Yeah but, Blazing Saddles was really funny  ;)

Title: Re: Is it really offensive.
Post by: Jeb on January 12, 2009, 09:01:41 PM
The Black fellas in our country see nothing wrong with calling us "white honky`s".
It certainly goes over my head.
 I think we made a rod for our own back when we let the Aisians settle  in our country in the first place , Now were reaping the bitter harvest of wrath for our hospitality unto them.
Will WE EVER learn ? ::) ::) ::).

Title: Re: Is it really offensive.
Post by: simon c on January 12, 2009, 09:07:24 PM
Definately a case of political correctness gone to far again,nothing wrong with nicknames but if the third in line to the throne is stupid enough to do it on film,what does he expect the media to do ::).And how come it has taken 3 years to get to the media.

Title: Re: Is it really offensive.
Post by: Al.Thepastfinder, ( Alan ) on January 13, 2009, 09:05:41 AM
ohhh   so its not a recent thing then is it,    looks like someone has been looking too stir things up for him,  co'mon  he's only human like the rest of us,

  He's in the Army, He can't be seen as being  a goody goodshoes either, they would make his life hell, he has to be one of the boys, and this banter do happen, from both sides

 its our own fault as you say for letting them in in the first place and letting them dictate to us,  And having to change our laws, stories, films, kids progs,  kids books and allsorts,
 iv'e even got to call my robinsons golliwog brooches that i found Bliddy golly brooches now,  lol ,  ohhh golly gosh.

Title: Re: Is it really offensive.
Post by: PHIL YNYSBOETH on January 13, 2009, 10:31:28 AM
Why are people so touchy ?
Its definitly a clash of cultures. In Britian we grow up with name calling insults and abuse its just the way it is here.
Physical verbal and sexual abuse is the british way is seems.
Im not condoning it its just the way it is,
Im not a racist but i beleive if you dont fit in somewhere leave.

I dont care if someone calls me taffy believe me ive been called worst and mostly by my friends  lol 

Title: Re: Is it really offensive.
Post by: Charles Cater on January 13, 2009, 10:51:27 AM
All this old argument happens in every country. It is right that we have put up with it, These 'foreigners' and that is what they are, are ruling this country. Time we stood up for ourselves now.
Damit, my soapbox has come apart.  ::)

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