Metal Detecting Discussions => Metal Detecting Discussions => Topic started by: outlaw on June 14, 2010, 05:47:21 AM

Title: A gentlemans agreement or free for all !!!
Post by: outlaw on June 14, 2010, 05:47:21 AM

This topic has been discussed many times, but is well worth being aired from time to time !

If you invite friends / fellow detectorists onto farm land that you have personal permission to detect on,  Is it right that you ask that they do not try and approach the farmer / land owner for permission themselves ?

Bearing in mind that the onus of who detects where in the eyes of the law is purely down to the land owner, and not the resident detectorist / club ???

From a personal point of view, I would instigate ' a gentlemans agreement ' and would not
abuse a fellow detectorists / club invitation, and not try and gain permision for myself / friends at a later date !

Title: Re: A gentlemans agreement or free for all !!!
Post by: Techony on June 14, 2010, 07:00:23 AM
Hi Outlaw,

I'm assuming that the person with permission actually has permission to invite others onto the farmer's land? Otherwise the guest(s) themselves would be on the wrong side of any agreement should anything untoward happen.

If the above has been covered by the first detectorist or club asking the farmer, then I don't see that any harm could come from the guest gaining explicit permission from the farmer for further searches as long as they were co-ordinated with the first detectorist(or within guidelines of the introducing club).

If the first detectorist was the possessive type and didn't want to share "his/her" land with other detectorists, then it is unlikely that he/she would have invited a.n.other anyway, isn't it?

It all boils down to communication at the end of day. If what you want to say is "Sure, come with me this time, but if I catch you on here without me, I'll shoot you"... then say it. Alternatively, if you are the invitee, then why not ask the question?

Title: Re: A gentlemans agreement or free for all !!!
Post by: Al.Thepastfinder, ( Alan ) on June 14, 2010, 07:47:13 AM
hmmm a dodgy one,  it is usually agreed and known that the farm you take them to is yours,  you have the permission for yourself to detect there,  but with the permission of the farmer you have been able to take them there as well,

 its usually respected that its as your farm, and be gratefull for the invite, but there are a lot who don't respect it  and will try and get back on there behind your back when you not around,  iv'e had it done to me several times,

 one used to like to get near the farmhouse so he can get to see the farmer and wave and chat so's he could know him  in order that he'll go back there and see him again by himself and be recognised.

Iv'e had to ask a couple of my farmers not to let them on if they go there again.,   one was,  they had  the regular invites to my best farm with me, but not content with that,  they went there behind my back to gain their own permission one day,

 as it happened they were just leaving one day when i was about,  i asked the farmer about it,  he said  they said that it would be ok by me for them to go there, i'd already told them  we go there when i'm there only,
 but they went back for their own permission,   i stopped them down the road to see whats going on,  he said well he said we can go on there,  its the farmers farm and he says who can go on, smarmy.

 I phoned the farmer later,   he said he'd had an idea something was up, the one looked very guilty,   he said he hates things like that,  so wanted their numbers,  he phoned them up and played merry hell with them, and told them to stay away,
 he said only me can go there from now on,

this is not the first time he has done it either,  he's done it on other sites too,


Title: Re: A gentlemans agreement or free for all !!!
Post by: PHIL YNYSBOETH on June 14, 2010, 08:10:08 AM
Ive heard many many storys like this Alan over the years.
Sometimes its the so called best friends that will stab you in the back
The only remedy to this problem is dont invite anyone anywhere.
Join a club and enjoy the social side of detecting that way.
Unfortunatly Ive never had the time to look for my own land  but if i did and someone id invited along found something really nice i dont think i could help myself from beating them to death with my Shovel lol  >:(
Only Joking   :P

Title: Re: A gentlemans agreement or free for all !!!
Post by: Stred (Steve) on June 14, 2010, 07:04:58 PM
Some people will use and abuse other peoples hard work, by that I mean, you go out and spend hours and days looking for land and building up the trust with the landowner/farmer.
Then they go and do the dirty behind your back.

But gents, please don't tar everyone with the same brush.

Happy hunting.

Title: Re: A gentlemans agreement or free for all !!!
Post by: Al.Thepastfinder, ( Alan ) on June 15, 2010, 07:28:22 AM
yes i had built up a good trust relationship with the farmer, and the previouse one too, the did tell him their members of the Rhondda club though,   i hope that  the farmer now don't tar us all there with the same brush,

Title: Re: A gentlemans agreement or free for all !!!
Post by: outlaw on June 17, 2010, 05:21:24 AM
Unfortunatly Ive never had the time to look for my own land  but if i did and someone id invited along found something really nice i dont think i could help myself from beating them to death with my Shovel lol   >:(
Only Joking   :P

Well when Rob found the axe heads, it couldnt have happened to a nicer bloke  ;D ;D ( though i did call him a bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbeeeeeeeee
eeeeeeeerst.......d)  ;D

Title: Re: A gentlemans agreement or free for all !!!
Post by: nfl on June 19, 2010, 08:51:49 PM
   i have to be very carefull as i took on a detecting partner who has no land himself and i was tired of him asking if he could come on my land so i went and got anther few farms {2000+ acres } south herefordshire,, for us to tect on,i have recently been offered another 1400 acres which i have took for us,,,with what i had before total is 5200 acres in s,herefordshire,, i am just glad that i have more time than him on my hands ;D ;D ;D     

Title: Re: A gentlemans agreement or free for all !!!
Post by: nfl on June 19, 2010, 09:01:51 PM
it aint me boasting the point im trying to make is keep in regulr touch with your farmers,make sure who is going on your land, trust people you tect with,also try to get in with the local history group to see what is going on in the trust you to go on there land show them the same courtesy by policing there land,,,, ie...tresspasers,nighthawkers,etc. 

Title: Re: A gentlemans agreement or free for all !!!
Post by: outlaw on June 20, 2010, 05:44:00 AM
it aint me boasting the point im trying to make is keep in regulr touch with your farmers,who is make sure going on your land, trust people you tect with,also try to get in with the local history group to see what is going on in the trust you to go on there land show them the same courtesy by policing there land,,,, ie...tresspasers,nighthawkers,etc. 

I think you have that wrong, it isnt your land, it belongs to the land owner and he or she has the authority to give permission to who they want. Otherwise it becomes silly ! What you do find is certain farmers thankfully stay loyal to regular clubs and detectorists and do not want strangers to them wandering their land !

My thread is about the hard work an individual detectorist makes to find his own patch to detect upon, unselfishly invites a mate or mates, who then tries to obtain his, their own permission having been introduced previously.

No detectorist should take it upon themselves to police land, its up to the landowner to call police etc. Obviously if a detectorist is found to be making a pest of himself without the landowners consent, then i would hope severe pressure is put on the individual by his club if he or she  is in one to stop, and measures are taken to point out that he or she is stealing / trespassing and the police should be called but by the land owner only.

Title: Re: A gentlemans agreement or free for all !!!
Post by: nfl on June 20, 2010, 08:54:48 AM
dont take the word policing literaly,,,,,of course the farmer choses who wanders over his land but if you spot someone on there who shouldent be on there inform the farmer,your the one who started the thread about people sneaking on your detecting patch,, on the farms i tect  on i have stopped wandering livestock,notified farmer of poaching and that has set up a really good relationship with the farmers. 

Title: Re: A gentlemans agreement or free for all !!!
Post by: Chef Geoff on June 20, 2010, 11:13:45 AM
I would never even contemplate poaching other peoples land and can't even get into the mindset of people who do. I feel it a real privilege to be asked to detect on land that has been acquired by someone else and I think the moral of the story is, be careful of who you call your friends.

Title: Re: A gentlemans agreement or free for all !!!
Post by: nfl on June 20, 2010, 11:46:44 AM
thank you geoff,,i think if we are all carefull of who we take on our detecting patches we should have no probs and enjoy many enjoyable days on our particular farms. 

Title: Re: A gentlemans agreement or free for all !!!
Post by: Al.Thepastfinder, ( Alan ) on June 21, 2010, 07:32:58 AM
I think we all call our litle collection of farms our farms when refering to them in chat. a figure of speach,

 We do Police the fields ect when we are out, its only natural, we are like walking scarecrows for a start, keeping away wildlife pests and human ones too,.
 and what has been said, also inform the farmer of escaped animals straying outside of their feilds, informing him of anything untowards that you spot,,  i have aslo had to untangle sheep caught up in brambles, heading into a freezing cold evening,,  freeing them from fences that the'd been caught up in.
 and generaly respecting and looking after their fields.and animal stock.

the farmer in my radio interview says " they do a good job in policing the fields/ farm themselves,"Alan

Title: Re: A gentlemans agreement or free for all !!!
Post by: zorro on June 21, 2010, 01:48:56 PM
Outlaw totally agree with you. If a friend invited me along to a farm he had permission for i wouldnt dream of going there at a later date and gaining permission for myself.
what a way to abuse the trust of a friend. basically YOU have found a landowner who is sympathetic to detectorists then your FRIEND goes back there to help himself.
Speaking from a personal point of view that would be the last time i invite them anywhere again.....and they'd have a few choice words from me too

Title: Re: A gentlemans agreement or free for all !!!
Post by: Meatslicer on June 21, 2010, 08:05:55 PM
Hi all,

I have just taken a fellow club member onto a farm I had found after months of research and contacting farmers all around the vale of glamorgan.

He came for the morning and had a go but didn't find much then left at lunch time. He was very grateful for my invite and didn't abuse my trust.

I have picked up rubbish and filled in holes that stock could step into and injure themselves, scared off crows and other pests and closed gates left open by farm workers and the public when they use public footpaths. I even found out what the farmers favourite tipple is and have left him a bottle on the doorstep when I called to let him know I was going on his land but got no answer. I always show him anything I find and offer him his pick of it, although he never takes anything the offer is there. I consider anything I find as his property and the access to the land as a privilidge.

In return, he lets me know when crops are taken in and the land is detectable, and is happy to chat about local history and what bits of his land may be interesting or have had unusual use in the past.

Treat them with respect and you will be suprised how much help they can be.


Title: Re: A gentlemans agreement or free for all !!!
Post by: Neil on June 21, 2010, 08:24:12 PM
Well siad Eric - thats the way to treat them mate.You are then always guaranteed a welcome back.

 I once phsically evicted some early evening tresspassing lampers off a farmers field and he has always remembered it, as the sounds of their shotguns at night were scaring his wife. Little gestures go a long way.


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